Looking at that picture just one year old
and thinking how far we got from each other on the road
we walked together for so long.
I still remember that ticklish feeling
when my wings started growing
after our first kiss
and I still remember that agony when they were cut off.
I wonder when these wounds will stop bleeding.
I miss you, Mó... I still miss you...
Noc co noc, den co den, stýská se mi,
jako bych nevěděl, ptám se, kde Tě mám?...
Kde jsme a proč jsme oba sami?
Proč jsem tu a Ty tam a proč navečer Tě nelíbám?
Zavřu oči a zdá se to tak dávno.
K čertu, táhne se ten krátký čas!
Když jsem se vedle Tebe probudil to ráno,
tajil jsem dech a nad Tvou krásou jenom žas.
A můj život byl najednou plný smíchu,
nedospělých blbovin a sladkého chříchu!
Heh! Jak roztomile nesmělá byla prve naše těla!
Chtěl jsem Tě a Ty ses celá chvěla...
V náruči ses stočila, ty malé koťátko,
a já přešťastný předl zas,
propletené prsty, sami jak milenci, nepustily se ani nakrátko,
teď jsme byli jen Ty a já a svět ať si třeba zpere ďas!
Night after night, day after day, I miss you,
as if I didn't know I ask where are you?
Where are we and why are we both alone?
Why am I here and why are you there, why don't I kiss you at night?
I close my eyes and it all seems to be so long ago.
Damn, time goes slow!
When I woke up next to you that one morning
I held my breath and just marveled at your beauty.
And my life was suddenly filled with laugh,
juvenile follies and sweet sins!
Heh! How charmingly shy were our bodies at first...
I wanted you and you shivered...
Into my arms you cuddled up, as a little kitten,
and I, overjoyed, am purring too,
Intertwined fingers, as lovers themselves, didn't separate not for a moment,
now it is just me and you and damn the world!
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